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Informationen für Kunden


Amendments to the Regulations on the Paynow Payment Integrator for Corporate Banking Clients of mBank S.A. and the Tariff of Fees and Commissions of mElements S.A. Mehr

Amendments to the Regulations on the Paynow Payment Integrator for Corporate Banking Clients of mBank S.A. and the Tariff of Fees and Commissions of mElements S.A. Details ausblenden 17.07.2024

Publication date of the amended Regulations: 16 July 2024
Effective date of the amended Regulations : 24 July 2024
More information: >>>


Scheduled maintenance - mBank Mehr

Scheduled maintenance - mBank Details ausblenden 16.07.2024

Corporate Cards - 21st July 2024

Dear Clients,
Due to scheduled maintenance, you will be unable to authorise online card payments made at mBank from 02:30 a.m. to 09:00 a.m. on 21st July 2024.
We apologize for any inconvenience which may cause.
mBank S.A.


Changes in the Tariff of Banking Fees and Commissions of mBank for SME and Corporates Mehr

Changes in the Tariff of Banking Fees and Commissions of mBank for SME and Corporates Details ausblenden 01.07.2024

On the 15th of July 2024 we will introduce some changes to the "Tariff of Banking Fees and Commissions of mBank for SME and Corporates".
Publication date: 1 July, 2024


Amendments to the Regulations on Opening, Holding and Closing an Integrated Bank Account at mBank S.A. and to the Regulations on Opening, Holding and Closing Bank Accounts at mBank S.A. Mehr

Amendments to the Regulations on Opening, Holding and Closing an Integrated Bank Account at mBank S.A. and to the Regulations on Opening, Holding and Closing Bank Accounts at mBank S.A. Details ausblenden 26.06.2024

The amended Regulations will be published on 26 June 2024
Amendments to the Regulations will enter into force on 22 July 2024
More information: >>>


Maintenance Break - mBank Mehr

Maintenance Break - mBank Details ausblenden 19.06.2024

Corporate Cards - 23th June 2024

Dear Clients,
Due to scheduled maintenance, you will be unable to authorise online card payments made at mBank from 02:30 a.m. to 09:00 a.m. on 23th June 2024.
We apologize for any inconvenience which may cause.
mBank S.A.

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Von Montag bis Freitag 8:00-18:00